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Parole Block

by Parents of Murdered Children

What is PBP? Current Petitions

“In the aftermath of murder, which is perhaps the most profound injustice, families need some sense of counterbalancing justice. Exactly what that justice might entail differs from survivor to survivor, but all agree that they expect a realistic expression of regret and concern from the criminal justice system.” (Doug Magee, What Murder Leaves Behind). For survivors of homicide victims, the early release or parole of convicted murderers is seen as a denigration of their loved one and results in extremely intensified emotions. Parents Of Murdered Children, Inc.’s, Parole Block Program SM strives to give survivors a sense of control, as well as a positive outlet for the anger, frustration and disillusionment with the criminal justice system. PBP allows them to participate in the parole process by attempting to keep murderers behind bars for their minimum sentence, thus protecting society from potential repeat offenders.

How PBP Works

At the request of survivors, POMC will write and circulate petitions to stop the parole/early release of their loved one’s murderer. The petitions are sent to people across the United States. PBP does not lobby for longer sentences, but asks only that the sentences imposed by the courts be served in full. Note: Anyone, regardless of age or voting status, may sign the petition.

PBP Success

“Parole informed me they received approximately 100,000 signatures from all across the United States. Our deepest thanks to the Parole Block Program and all those who continue to make it successful.” – Brooklyn, N.Y.

Since it began, the Parole Block ProgramSM has been extremely successful at preventing the early release/parole of those convicted of homicide. POMC has protested the early release/parole of thousands of murderers since the inception of the program in 1990. So far more than 1500 paroles have been denied.

Sentencing Statistics*

•The average maximum sentence length for murder was 20 years and 11 months. •The average maximum time served was 9 years and 2 months – 44 percent of the actual sentence. •Twenty-nine percent of parole discharges returned to prison were reincarcerated for murder.

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